Management / Committee
Lilly Pilly Little School is licensed by the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) and agrees to comply with the specified code of conduct and regulations. Our licenced number of places is 30 and our hours of operation are 9.00 am till 3.00pm. Policies and Procedures can be viewed here.
Parent/Management Committee
Lilly Pilly is a non-profit, community-based organisation and registered charity administered by a management committee of parent/carers elected at the Annual General Meeting. The committee meets twice a term on a Wednesday afternoon. Executive positions include President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Parents are also invited to attend meetings in a non-executive role.
Getting involved in the management committee is a great way to have a say in how your child's preschool is run. Ideas, creativity, skills and enthusiam are welcomed. We love parent involvement, please get in touch!
Public Officer/Constitution
The Public Officer of the preschool is our book-keeper and is responsible to the NSW Department of Education and Communities along with NSW Department of Fair Trading. The constitution of the preschool is available at the bottom of this page.
The Annual General Meeting is held in March each year and all parents/carers are invited and encouraged to attend. A parent/carer of each child attending the preschool must be a full member of the Association. This entitles you to vote at our monthly management committee meetings which you are all encouraged to attend.
Our Education and Care service recognises the importance of having a framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes within and by which authority is exercised and controlled in the organisation. We view good governance and management as essential to our provision of quality education and care in a responsible manner. We conduct our affairs legally, ethically and with integrity. We identify organisational risks and legal obligations and manage these through policies and relevant processes and we ensure that mechanisms are in place for fair and transparent governance.
As a community based preschool we are funded by the Early Childhood Education and Care Grants Program through the Department of Education and Communities. This requires us to maintain a certain standard of care and management. This, together with fees collected from parent/carers and fundraising, represents our budget. It is expended on wages, administration costs, equipment and funds for special projects. As an incorporated body, our financial affairs are subject to an independent annual audit.
A National Quality Framework for Early Childhood and Care has been established which includes:
- A National Legislative Framework that consists of 'national law" and the 'national regulations'
- A National Quality Standard
- A national quality rating and assessment process
- A regulatory authority in each state and territory
- A national body - ACECQA - oversees the system and guides its implementation in a nationally consistent way.